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Our company based on many years of experience working 
with ozone, offers also an individual counseling to solve 
your problems. Since ozone is a natural and powerful 
oxidizer, the possibility of its application is in a very wide range of activities. So far we have met with a number of inquiries and offered a lot of solutions to most diverse profiles of people of different professions. 

We offer counseling services:

• advice and co-work: together with you, we detect the problem and suggest the best way to resolve it 
• coming up with solutions with our support and guidance throughout a joint plan 
• advice and assistance in creating a plan and implementing solutions through EU funds 

Contact us with full confidence. 

U usluzi savjetovanja nudimo Vam:

• savjete i suradnju- zajedno s Vama detektiramo problem i predlažemo najbolji mogući način rješavanja teškoće 
• dolazak do rješenja s našom potporom i vodstvom kroz zajednički plan 
• savjetovanje i pomoć u kreiranju plana i provođenja rješenja kroz EU fondove 
Obratite nam se s punim povjerenjem.