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The application of ozone in laundries allows significant savings in energy, water and chemicals. Ozone is an excellent solution to reduce costs, increase efficiency and improve the quality and prolong life of the machine in an environmentally conscious manner. 

The main benefits of use of ozone can be divided into:

• Economic benefits to owners of laundries
• Benefits to users of laundry service
• Benefits for the Environment 

Economic benefits to owners of laundry service:

• Reduce the use of cold water up to 50 %
• Reduce the use of hot water up to 90 %
• Laundry is not damaged
• Reduces labor costs
• Reduces laundry drying time
• Extends life of the washing machine 

Benefits to laundry service clients:

• The laundry is softer
• The laundry has a better scent
• The laundry is lighter and easier 

Environmental benefits:

• Energy Savings
• Conserving water
• Improving the quality of wastewater 

This technology has proved to be a winning and appropriate for large laundries that want to reduce costs, and increase efficiency. With the application of ozone, productivity can be increased by 20-30 %. The amount of water used can be reduced up to 80%. 

Payback period ranges from 15-18 months depending on the type of plant. Systems for the application of ozone can be installed even on an existing machine.